Puppy Biting: Tips to Tame Those Tiny Teeth

Hello Dog Lovers,

If you’ve got a new puppy at home, you’re probably all too familiar with those sharp little teeth that seem to get into everything! Puppies love to explore their world, and that includes testing out their bite on anything they can find—whether it's your shoes, fingers, or even your ankles.

But don’t worry! Puppy biting is a normal part of their development, and there are plenty of ways to guide them toward more appropriate chewing.

3 Things To Do This Week

1. Stop The Fun

If your puppy starts nipping, immediately stop the play and give them a toy to redirect their chewing.

2. Stash Toys

Keep toys handy around the house so you can quickly switch their focus from your skin to their chew toys.

3. Brain Games

Incorporate brain games like “drop it” during playtime to help with impulse control.

Training Treats

Use their kibble or nutritious treats to reward good behavior. Soften the kibble with water or bone broth to make it gentler on their gums.

Move Fast

If they’re biting at your moving ankles, redirect their attention with something fast-moving that they can chase and grab.

Puppy Naps

Ensure your pup gets plenty of sleep. A well-rested puppy is less likely to get frustrated and bite.

What to Avoid

And remember, avoid rough play, using the crate for timeouts, loud yelping, and any form of punishment. These can actually make the problem worse.

Consistency is Key

With some patience and consistency, your little furball will learn what’s okay to bite and what’s not. If you ever need extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional trainer.

For more detailed information on this topic, please visit our dedicated post here

Have a fun week ahead! The next email will be on Saturday.

What are your plans for the week? Let me know!
